Our Team's Robot History

The Akron NASA Robotics team has competed every year NASA has hosted the competition. Here are a the robots of the Akron RMC team career!

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Building Robot Autonomously Navigated to Dig, Elevate, and Erect

Brandee was the 2023-2024 robot, and we are proud of the success we had with this robot. She was a 4 wheel front loader design who will continue to support the team as an outreach robot.

See more information on BRANDEE

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Dexterous Autonomous Interplanetary System for Excavation and Exploration

Daisee was the 2022-2023 robot, and we are proud at the innovation and hard work that went into this robot. We are excited to see what the future holds for our team and our robots!

See more information on DAISEE

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Kinematic Autonomous Terrestrial Excavator for Elements

Failure is not an option, words spoken not only for the work of NASA, but the work of our team. Although we encountered hardships with this robot and couldn't make it into the arena, we are still incredibly proud of the work everyone has contributed and being in the competition. As said by Walt Disney, Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

See more information on KATEE

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Autonomous Drum Rotating Extraterrestrial Excavator

In 2019 the team placed 2nd out of 46 teams in the NASA competition, with 1st place in outreach and 4th place in systems engineering! Here is our 2019 robot AuDREE.

See more information on AUDREE

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Robust Operational Collector Kinematically Excavating Elements

Our 2018 robot, ROCKEE, placed 5th out of 44 teams competing! We also won third place for both outreach and our systems engineering paper!

See more information on ROCKEE

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Systematic Piloted Automaton Collecting Extraterrestrial Elements

Spacee was out 2017 robot that is a derivative of our previous robots with some new innovative features.

See more information on SPACEE

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Collecting Humanoid Robotic Interplanetary System for Terrestrial Excavation and Exploration

Christee is our cherished 2015 robot who performed exceedingly well! She is our exemplary robot who joins us in all of our outreach events.

See more information on CHRISTEE

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Systematic Technical Automaton Collecting Extraterrestrial Elements

In 2013 our robot STACEE placed 10th out of 50 teams. The team also won 3rd place in the slide presentation!

See more information on STACEE

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Systematic Technical Extraterrestrial Vehicle for Excavation

STEVE was our 2012 robot who placed 13th for total regolith mined. It was a great learning experience for the team and we are proud of the work that went into this robot.

See more information on STEVE

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Piloted Robotic All Terrain Excavator

Here is our very first robot, PIRATE, who placed 5th out of 44 teams competing. We've come a long way since then, but you can still see similarities with our recent robots!

See more information on PIRATE